
Lawrence M. Principe Bibliography


  ロバート・ボイルの錬金術活動を鮮やかに暴き出した傑作をものにした Principe 氏。Newman 氏との連携を深める今後の活躍も見逃せません。



1987. ""Chemical translation" and the role of Impurities in Alchemy: Examples from Basil Valentine's Triumph-Wagen", Ambix, 34 (1987), pp. 21-30.


1992. "Robert Boyle's Alchemical Secrecy : Codes, Ciphers and Concealments", Ambix, 39, (1992), pp. 63-74.


1998 a. "Diversity in Alchemy: The Case of Gaston "Claveus" DuClos: A Scholastic Mercurialist Chrysopoeian", in A. G. Debus et M. T. Walton (eds. ), Reading the Book of Nature. Kirkville, 1998. pp. 181-200.


1998 b. The Aspiring Adept: Robert Boyle and His Alchemical Quest, Princeton (NJ), Princeton UP.


1998 (with W. R. Newman). "Alchemy vs. Chemistry: The Etymological Origines of a Historiographic Mistake", Early Science and Medicine, 3 (1998), pp. 32-65.


2000 a. "The Alchemies of Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton: Alternate Approaches and Divergent Deployments", in M. J. Osler (ed.), Rethinking the Scientific Revolution, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, pp. 201-220.


2000 b. "Daniel Georg Morhof’s Analysis and Defence of Transmutational Alchemy", in Françoise Waquet et al., Mapping the World of Learning : The Polyhistor of Daniel Georg Morhof, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, pp.139-153.


2001 (with W. R. Newman). "Some Problems with the Historiography of Alchemy", in W. R. Newman et A. Grafton (eds.), Secrets of Nature: Astrology and Alchemy in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge (MA), MIT Press, pp. 385-431. 


2001. "Wilhelm Homberg : Chymical Corpuscularianism and Chrysopoeia in the Early Eighteenth Century", in C. Lüthy, J. E. Murdoch & W. R. Newman (eds.), Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories, Leiden, Brill.pp. 535-556.


2002 (with W. R. Newman). Alchemy Tried in the Fire : Starkey, Boyle, and the Fate of Helmontiam Chymistry, Chicago, Chicago UP.



