2010年に ESM 誌に特集号を組むための計画のコーナーです
「中世・ルネサンスの科学における宇宙神学」 (仮題)
Cosmic Theology in
Medieval and Renaissance Science
Adam Takahashi, “Elements, Heat and
Heaven: Cosmic Theology in Albert the Great’s Meteorology”
The medieval tradition of meteorology has
often been studied as the source of early modern corpuscular theories. But in
his commentary on Aristotle’s Meteora
Albertus Magnus (ca. 1200-1280) discussed the role of cosmic heat in the
sublunary realm to provide the framework for his mineralogy and biology. His ultimate
aim in these works was to explain the intervention of divine intellect in the
terrestrial realm. The present study examines how the working of cosmic heat on
the sublunary world was conceived in Albertus’s world system, especially in terms
of its intimate relationship with cosmic intellects.
Kuni Sakamoto, “God, Intellect and Angels
in the Cosmology of Julius Caesar Scaliger”
The sixteenth-century Aristotelian Julius
Caesar Scaliger (1484-1558) expounded his theory of the cosmic intellect in his
Exotericae Exercitationes. This is
well known since Johannes Kepler declared to have supported Scaliger’s theory
in his formative year. However, as he finally rejected Scaliger’s idea,
historians have generally dismissed it just as a remnant of the “pre-modern”
way of thinking. By exploring Scaliger’s cosmology in its historical context,
the present paper aims to study how he explained the providential order of the
world in terms of God, intellect and angels. This problem will provide
important insight into the development of the “cosmic theology” in the
Hiro Hirai, “The Sun as the Seat of the
World-Soul in Lipsius, Kepler and Kircher”
2009. 5. 16 土
クニ君に続いて、アダム君の論文の仮題とアブストラクトが送られてきました。「元素、熱、天空:アルベルトゥス・マグヌスの『気象学』における宇宙神学」 “Elements,
Heat and Heaven: Cosmic Theology in Albert the Great’s Meteorology” という、これまたセクシーなものです。
The medieval tradition of meteorology has
often been studied as the source of early modern corpuscular theories. But in
his commentary on Aristotle’s Meteora
Albertus Magnus (ca. 1200-1280) discussed the role of cosmic heat in the
sublunary realm to provide the framework for his mineralogy and biology. His ultimate
aim in these works was to explain the intervention of divine intellect in the
terrestrial realm. The present study examines how the working of cosmic heat on
the sublunary world was conceived in Albertus’s world system, especially in terms
of its intimate relationship with cosmic intellects.
今年11月にアリゾナで行われる科学史学会か、来年3月のヴェネツイアで行われるルネサンス学会で、この方向でセッションを組むのも一計かと思いますが、いかがでしょうか?タイミング的に11月では早すぎるし、時代区分的にルネサンスではうまく収まらないでしょうかね?> ああ、そうか、今年はとっくに受付が締め切りになってますね。そうすると、モントリオールで行われる2010年11月の科学史学会ということでしょうか?
2009. 5. 15 金
早速にも、クニ君の論文「スカリゲルの宇宙論における神、知性、天使」 “God,
Intellect and Angels in the Cosmology of Julius Caesar Scaliger” のアブストラクトが寄せられました。
The sixteenth-century Aristotelian Julius
Caesar Scaliger (1484-1558) expounded his theory of the cosmic intellect in his
Exotericae Exercitationes. This is
well known since Johannes Kepler declared to have supported Scaliger’s theory
in his formative year. However, as he finally rejected Scaliger’s idea,
historians have generally dismissed it just as a remnant of the “pre-modern”
way of thinking. By exploring Scaliger’s cosmology in its historical context,
the present paper aims to study how he explained the providential order of the
world in terms of God, intellect and angels. This problem will provide
important insight into the development of the “cosmic theology” in the
2009. 5. 14 木
そのスゴイ計画とは、中世・初期近代の宇宙論と神学の接点を探る特集をESM 誌に組むことです。特別号には最低でも論文4本が必要ですが、アダム君はアルベルトゥスの気象論の注解をもとに、クニ君はスカリゲルの宇宙論における神、知性、天使の位置づけについて、僕は10月にヴェルサイユで発表することになっているリプシウス、ケプラー、キルヒャーにおける世界霊魂の座としての太陽という論文の英語版を、という話になりました。だいたい年末から年明けにかけて原稿を集められたら、クリストフに提案したいと思います。これは歴史に残る特集号です!
Adam Takahashi, Meteorology
and Theology in Albertus Magnus
Sakamoto, God, Intellect and Angels in the Cosmology of Julius Caesar Scaliger
Hirai, The Sun as the Seat of the World-Soul in Lipsius, Kepler and Kircher