




能動知性 active intellect または agent intellect の概念は、以前にコーナーを作った形相付与者 dator formarum = Giver of forms に非常に近いところにあるものです。精神活動だけではなく、宇宙の統御に関する古代ギリシア起源で、アラビア思想内で発達した理論です。ラテン中世人たちも盛んに議論をしました。






Octave Hamelin, La théorie de l’intellect d’après Aristote et ses commentateurs, Paris, Vrin, 1953.





Charles Touati, “Les problèmes de la génération et le rôle de l’Intellect agent chez Averroès”, in J. Jolivet (ed.), Multiple Averroès, Paris, Belles Lettres, 1978, pp. 157-164.


              Helen Goldstein, “Dator formatum: Ibn Rushd, Levi ben Gerson, and Moses ben Joshua of Narbonne”, in I. Faruqi (éd.), Islamic Thought and Culture, Washington, 1982, pp. 107-182.


Herbert A Davidson, Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, on Intellect: Their Cosmologies, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of Human Intellect, Oxford, Oxford UP, 1992. **


Gad Freudenthal, “The Medieval Astrologization of Aristotle’s Biology: Averroes on the Role of the Celestial Bodies in the Generation of Animate Beings”, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 12 (2002), pp. 111-137.





Charles Touati, La pensée philosophique et théologique de Gersonide, Paris, Minuit, 1973/Paris, Gallimard, 1992.


              Helen Goldstein, “Dator formatum: Ibn Rushd, Levi ben Gerson, and Moses ben Joshua of Narbonne”, in I. Faruqi (éd.), Islamic Thought and Culture, Washington, 1982, pp. 107-182. (PDF)


Herbert A Davidson, “Gersonides on the Material and Active Intellects”, in Gad Freudenthal (ed.), Studies on Gersonides: A Fourteenth-Century Jewish Philosopher-Scientist, Leiden, Brill, 1992, pp. 195-265.


Gad Freudenthal, “Providence, Astrology, and Celestial Influences on the Sublunar World in Shem-Tov ibn Falaquera’s De‘ot ha-Filosofim”, in Steven Harvey (ed.), The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2000, pp. 335-370.





Etienne Gilson, “Les sources gréco-arabes de l’augustinisme avicennisant”, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 4 (1929-1930), pp. 5-149. **


              Zdzislaw Kuksewicz, De Siger de Brabant à Jacques de Plaisence : La théorie de l’intellect chez les averroïstes latins des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, Warsaw, 1968.


Edward P. Mahoney,“Themistius and the Agent Intellect in James of Viterbo and Other Thirteenth Century Philosophers, (Saint Thomas, Siger of Brabant and Henry Bate)”, Augustiniana, 23 (1973), pp. 422-467.


              Jean Jolivet, “Intellect et intelligence: notre sur la tradition arabo-latine des XIIe et XIIIe siècles”, in Philosophie médiévale arabe et latine, Paris, Vrin, 1995, pp. 169-180.


              Adam Takahashi, “Nature, Formative Power and Intellect in the Natural Philosophy of Albert the Great”, forthcoming.





Hiro Hirai, “Semence, vertu formatrice et intellect agent chez Nicolò Leoniceno entre la tradition arabo-latine et la renaissance des commentateurs grecs”, Early Science and Medicine, 12 (2007), pp. 91-122.




