A. G. Debus Bibliography
16-17世紀のパラケルスス主義のヨーロッパ文化へのインパクトのことならまずこの人から。ヘルメス通信でもその登場回数の多さや、1999年10月に平凡社から出版された 『ケミカル・フィロソフィ』の邦訳版『近代錬金術の歴史』
1960. "The Paracelsian Compromise in
the Elizabethan England." Ambix, 8 (1960), pp. 71-97.
1961. "Gabriel Plattes and his Chemical Theory of the Formation of the
Earth's Crust." Ambix, 9 (1961), pp. 162-165.
1962. "Solution Analyses Prior to Robert Boyle." Chymia, 8
(1962), pp. 41-61.
1963. "Paracelsian Doctrine in English Medicine." in F. N. L. Poynter
(ed. ), Chemistry in the Service of Medicine. pp. 5-26.
1964 a. "The Aerial Niter in the 16th and early 17th Centuries."in Actes
du dixieme congres international d’histoire des sciences, Ithaca 1962.
Hermann, Paris. t. 2, pp. 835-839.
1964 b. "The Paracelsian Aerial Niter." Isis, 55 (1964), pp.
1965 a. The English Paracelsians. Oldbourne, London.
1965 b. "The sun in the universe of Robert Fludd."in Le soleil à
la Renaissance : Science et Mythes. Brussels, 1965. pp. 259-278.
1966. "Renaissance Chemistry and the Work of Robert Fludd." in A. G.
Debus et R. P. Multhauf, Alchemy and Chemistry in the Seventeenth
Century : Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, March 12, 1966. pp. 1-29.
1967 a. "Fire Analysis and the Elements in the Sixteenth and the
Seventeenth Centuries." Annals of Science, 23 (1967), pp. 127-147.
1967 b. "Renaissance Chemistry and the Work of Robert Fludd." Ambix,
14 (1967), pp. 42-59.
1968 a. "Palissy, Plat and English Agricultural Chemistry in the 16th and
17th Centuries." Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences,
21 (1968), pp. 67-88.
1968 b. "Mathematics and Nature in the Chemical Texts of the
Renaissance." Ambix, 15 (1968), pp. 1-28.
1968 c. The Chemical Dream of the Renaissance. Heffer, Cambridge.
1969. "Edward Jorden and the Fermentation of the Metals : An Iatrochemical
Study of Terrestrial Phenomena." in C. J. Schneer (ed. ), Toward a
History of Geology. M. I. T. Press, Cambridge (Mass. ). pp. 100-121.
1970. "The Webster-Ward Debate of 1654 : The New Philosophy and the
Problem of Educational Reform." in L’univers a la Renaissance :
Microcosme et Macrocosme. Brussels, 1970. pp. 31-51.
1972 (ed. ). Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance : Essays to
Honor Walter Pagel. 2 vols. Heinemann, London.
1973 a. "Alchemy." in P. P. Wiener (ed. ), Dictionary of the History
of Ideas. N. Y., 1973. t. 1, pp. 27-34. / (ed. jp. Heibonsha, Tokyo,
1987. vol. 9, pp. 54-83).
1973 b. "Motion in the Chemical Texts of the Renaissance." Isis,
64 (1973), pp. 4-17.
c. "A Further Note on Palingenesis : The Account of Ebenezer Sibly in the
Illustration of Astrology (1792)." Isis, 64 (1973),
d. "The Medico-chemical World of the Paracelsians." in M. Teich et R.
Young (eds. ), Changing Perspectives in the History of Science.
Heinemann, London, 1973. pp. 85-99.
The Chemical Philosophy. 2 vols. New York.
1978. Man and Nature in Renaissance. Cambridge. (ed. jp. Science, Tokyo,
Robert Fludd and his Plilosophicall Key ; being a transcription of the
manuscript at Trinity College, Cambridge, with an introduction by Allen
G. Debus. Science History Publication, New York.
1980. "Thomas Sherley's Philosophical Essay (1672) : Helmontian Mechanism
as the Basis of a New Philosophy." Ambix, 27 (1980), pp.
"The Paracelsians in Eighteenth Century France : A Renaissance Tradition
in the Age of the Enlightenment." Ambix, 28 (1981), pp.
"Chemistry and the Quest for a Material Spirit of Life in the Seventeenth
Century." in M. Fattori et M. L. Bianchi (eds. ), Spiritus : IVo
Colloquio internazionale del Lessico intellettuale Europeo. Rome. pp.
1985. "The Significance of Chemical History." Ambix, 32
(1985), pp. 1-14.
"Chemistry and the Universities in the Seventeenth Century." Academiae
analecta, (Klasse der Wetenschappen), 48 (1986), pt. 4, pp. 13-33.
Chemistry, Alchemy and the New Philosophy, 1550-1700. Variorum reprint,
1988. "The Chemical Philosophy and the Scientific Revolution."in W.
R. Shea (ed. ), Revolutions in Science. pp. 27-48.
1991. The French Paracelsians : The Chemical Challenge to Medical and
Scientific Tradition in Early Modern France. Cambridge.
"Rise and Fall of Chemical Physiology in the Seventeenth Century." in
Paracelsus and the Chemical Factor in the Scientific Revolution.
Braga (Portugal), 1996. (= Memorias da Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa,
(Classe de Ciencias), 36, (1996). 1998 a. "Paracelsianism and the
Diffusion of the Chemical Philosophy in Early Modern Europe." in O. P.
Grell (ed. ), Paracelsus. Brill, Leiden, 1998. pp. 225-244.
b (with Michael T. Walton) (eds. ). Reading the Book of Nature : The Other
Side of the Scientific Revolution. Sixteenth Century Journal Pub. ,
Kirksville, Missouri.