






『ヨーロッパの教育』 (サイマル出版、1974年)

Eugenio Garin, L’educazione in Europa (Roma: Laterza, 1957).


『イタリア・ルネサンスにおける市民生活と科学・魔術』 (岩波書店、1970年)

Eugenio Garin, Scienzia e vita civile nel Rinascimento Italiano (Roma: Laterza, 1965).



Paul O. Kristeller, Renaissance Thought and its Sources (New York: Columbia UP, 1979).



Paul O. Kristeller, Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1964).



Eugenio Garin, L’educazione in Europa (Roma: Laterza, 1957).



Brian P. Copenhaver & Charles B. Schmitt, Renaissance Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992).



 Anthony Grafton, Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800 (Cambridge MA: Harvard UP, 1991).








Paul O. Kristeller, Studies in Renaissance Thought and Letters, 4 vols. (Roma, 1956, 1985, 1993, 1996).



Albert Rabil, Jr. (eds.), Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy, 3 vols. (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania UP, 1988).



Charles G. Nauert, Jr., Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995).



Jill Kraye (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995).



Jill Kraye & M.W.F. Stone (eds.), Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2000).



James Hankins (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006).




