



















Carlo Alfonso Nallino, “Astrologia e astronomia presso i Musulmani,” in idem, Raccolta di scritti (Naples: Istituto per l’Oriente, 1944), V: 1-41.



David Pingree, “Astrology,” in The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990), 290-300.




George Saliba, “The Role of the Astrologer in Medieval Islamic Society,” Bulletin d’études orientales 44 (1992), 45-67.



David Pingree, From Astral Omens to Astrology (Rome: Istituto italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, 1997).




George Saliba, Islamic Astronomy in Context: Attacks on Astrology and the Rise of the Hay’a Tradition, Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies 4 (2002), 25-46.




              Charles Burnett, “Astrology,” Encyclopedia of Islam, Three (Leiden: Brill, 2007).




Antoine Borrut, Court Astrologers and Historical Writing in Early Abbāsid Baghdād: An Appraisal, in The Place to Go: Contexts of Learning in Baghdād, 750-1000 C. E., ed. Jens Scheiner & Damien Janos (Princeton: Darwin, 2014), 455-501.








A. ギリシア由来の占星術


1. マーシャアラーフ

(Māssā’allāh, c. 762-815)


アッバース朝につかえたギリシア系のキリスト教徒エデッサのテオフィロス(c. 695-785)の同僚で、テオフィロスが780年ごろ完成させたギリシア占星術集成を利用した最初期のバグダード宮廷の占星術師。新都バクダードの創建日を占星術的に決定した一人。ユダヤ系のペルシア人とされ、アラビア語で占星術書をつくった最初の一人といえます。





Edward S. Kennedy & David Pingree, The Astrological History of Māshā’allāh (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1971).






Lynn Thorndike, “The Latin Translations of Astrological Works by Messahala,” Osiris 12 (1956), 49-72.



Fransic J. Carmody, Arabic Astronomical and Astrological Sciences in Latin Translation (Berkeley, LA: California UP, 1956), 23-38.




David Pingree, “Māshā’allāh: Greek, Pahlavy, Arabic and Latin Astrology,” in Perspectives arabes et médiévales sur la tradition scientifique et philosophique grecque, ed. A. Hasnawi et al. (Louvain: Peeters, 1997), 123-136.




David Pingree, “Māshā’allāh’s (?) Arabic Translation of Dorotheus,” Res orientales 12 (1999), 191-209.




David Pingree, “From Alexandria to Baghdād to Byzantium: The Transmission of Astrology,” International Journal of the Classical Tradition 8 (2001), 3-37.




David Pingree, “Māshā’allāh’s Zoroastrian Historical Astrology,” in Horoscopes and Public Spheres, ed. Günther Oestmann et al. (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2005), 95-100.




David Pingree, “The Byzantine Translation of Māshā’allāh on Interrogation Astrology,” in The Occult Sciences in Byzantium, ed. Paul Magdalino & Maria Mavroudi (Geneva: La Pomme d’or, 2006), 230-243.







2. アブー・マアシャル

(Abū Ma‘sar, 787-886)






Abū Ma‘sar, The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology, ed. Charles Burnett, Keiji Yamamoto & Micho Yano (Leiden: Brill, 1994).



Abū Ma‘sar, On Historical Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dynasties, ed. Keiji Yamamoto & Charles Burnett (Leiden: Brill, 2000).*



Abū Ma‘sar, The Introduction to Astrology, ed. Keiji Yamamoto & Charles Burnett (Leiden: Brill, 2019).






Richard Lemay, Abū Ma‘shar and Latin Aristotelianism in the Twelfth Century (Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1962).




Jean-Claude Vadet, “Une défense d’astrologie dans le Madhal d’Abū Ma‘sar al Balhi,” Annales islamologiques 5 (1963), 131-180.



George Saliba, Islamic Astronomy in Context: Attacks on Astrology and the Rise of the Hay’a Tradition, Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies 4 (2002), 25-46.




Charles Burnett, “The Certitude of Astrology: The Scientific Methodology of Al-Qabīṣī and Abū Ma‘sar,” Early Science and Medicine 7 (2002), 198-213.



Peter Adamson, “Abū Ma‘sar, Al-Kindi and the Philosophical Defense of Astrology,” Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales 69 (2002), 245-270.



Charles Burnett, Agency and Effect in the Astrology of Abū Ma‘shar of Balkh (Albumasar), Oriens 47 (2019), 348-364.




3. カビーシー

(Al-Qabīṣī, fl. c. 950-967)







Al-Qabīṣī (Alcabitius), The Introduction to Astrology, ed. Charles Burnett, Keiji Yamamoto & Michio Yano (London: The Warburg Institute, 2004).





Rüdiger Arnzen, “Vergessene Pflichtlektüre: al-Qabīṣīs astrologische Lehrschrift im europäischen Mittelalter,” Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften 13 (1999-2000), 93-128.*



Charles Burnett, “The Certitude of Astrology: The Scientific Methodology of Al-Qabīṣī and Abū Ma‘sar,” Early Science and Medicine 7 (2002), 198-213.





4. ビールーニー

(Al-Bīrūnī, 973-c. 1048)












David Pingree, “Al-Bīrūnī’s Knowledge of Sanskrit Astronomical Texts,” in The Scholar and the Saint (New York: New York UP, 1975), 67-81, repr. in idem, Pathway into the Studies of Ancient Sciences (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Press, 2014), 347-361.



David Pingree et al., “Al-Bīrūnī’s Treatise on Astrological Lots,” Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Arabische- und Islamischen Wissenschaften 1 (1984), 9-54.




              Michio Yano, “al-Bīrūnī,” Encyclopedia of Islam, Three (2013).







5. イブン・エズラ

(Abraham ibn Ezra, c. 1087/92-1164/67)






Abraham ibn Ezra, The Book of the Reasons, ed. Shlomo Sela (Leinde: Brill, 2007).



Abraham ibn Ezra, The Book of the World, ed. Shlomo Sela (Leinde: Brill, 2010).



Abraham ibn Ezra, On Elections, Interrogations and Medical Astrology, ed. Shlomo Sela (Leinde: Brill, 2011).



Abraham ibn Ezra, On Nativities and Continuous Horoscopy, ed. Shlomo Sela (Leiden: Brill, 2014).



Abraham ibn Ezra, Introductions to Astrology: The Book of the Beginning of Wisdom and the Book of the Judgements of the Zodical Signs, ed. Shlomo Sela (Leiden: Brill, 2017).



Abraham ibn Ezra (Latinus), On Nativities, ed. Shlomo Sela (Leiden: Brill, 2019).



Abraham ibn Ezra (Latinus), On Elections and Interrogations: Liber Electionum, Liber Interrogationum, and Tractatus particulares (Leiden: Brill, 2020).







Raphael Levy, The Astrological Works of Abraham ibn Ezra (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1927).*



Lynn Thorndike, “The Latin Translations of the Astrological Tracts of Abraham Avenezra,” Isis 35 (1944), 293-302.



Bernard Goldstein, “Astronomy and Astrology in the Works of Abraham ibn Ezra,” Arabic Science and Philosophy 6 (1996), 9-21.



Shlomo Sela, “Abraham ibn Ezra’s Scientific Corpus: Basic Constituents and General Characterization,” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 11 (2001), 91-149.



Renate Smithuis, “Abraham ibn Ezra’s Astrological Works in Hebrew and Latin: New Discoveries and Exhaustive Listing,” Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 6 (2006), 239-338.






B. 星辰魔術



1. イブン・クッラ

(Thābit ibn Qurra, 826/36-901)







Francis J. Carmody (ed.), The Astronomical Works of Thabit b. Qurra (Berkeley, CA: Californi UP, 1960).




Gideon Bohak & Charles Burnett (eds.), Thabit ibn Qurra On Talismans and Ps.-Ptolemy On Images 1-9 together with the Liber prestigiorum Thebidis of Adelard of Bath (Firenze: Sismel, 2021).






Charles Burnett, “Tābit ibn Qurra the Harrānian on Talismans and the Spirits of the Planets,” La Coronica 36 (2007), 13-40.



Roshdi Rashed (ed.), Thābit ibn Qurra, Science and Philosophy in Nineth-Century Baghdad (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009).




Charles Burnett & Gideon Bohak, “A Judeo-Arabic Version of Tābit ibn Qurra’s De imaginibus and Pseudo-Ptolemy’s Opus imaginum,” in Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture and Religion, ed. Felicitas Opwis & David Reisman (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 179-200







2. クルトゥビー

(Maslama ibn Qāsim al-Qurṭubī, c. 906-964)


ラテン語訳された『ピカトリクス』で知られる星辰魔術書『賢者の目標』 Ghāyat al-Hakīm の著者で、同じくイベリア半島アンダルスの天文学者マジリーティー(Maslama al-Majrītī, c. 950-1007)と同一視されたこともありましたが、同時代のまったくの別人であることが近年なって示されています。クルトゥビーについての詳細は、アンダルスのコーナーを参照ください。







Picatrix: Das Ziel des Weisen von Pseudo-Magriti, trans. Hellmut Ritter & Martin Plessner (London: Warburg Institute, 1962).




Picatrix: The Latin Version of the Ghāyat al-Hakim, ed. David Pingree (London: The Warburg Institute, 1986).



Béatrice Bakhouche et al. (eds.), Picatrix: un traité de magie medieval (Turnhout: Brepols, 2003).*




Picatrix: A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic, trans. Dan Attrell & David Porreca (University Park, PA: Penn State UP, 2019).






David Pingree, “Some of the Sources of the Ghāyat al-Hakīm,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 43 (1980), 1-15.



David Pingree, “Between the Ghāyat and Picatrix I: The Spanish Version,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 44 (1981), 27-56.



Maribel Fierro, “Bāṭinism in Al-Andalus: Maslama b. Qāsim al-Qurṭubī (d. 353/964), Author of the Rutbat al- Ḥakīm and the Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm (Picatrix),” Studia Islamica 84 (1996), 87-112.




David Pingree & Charles Burnett, “Between the Ghāyat and Picatrix II: The Flos naturarum Ascribed to Jābir,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 72 (2009), 41-80.



Jean-Patrice Boudet et al (eds.), Images et magie: Picatrix entre Orient et Occident (Paris: Champion, 2011).






