Session: 「ルネサンスにおける医学と占星術」 “Medicine and Astrology
in the Renaissance”
Chair: Germana
Ernst (
1: 「ルネサンスにおける占星術の諸相」 Ornella Pompeo
Faracovi (University of Pisa) “Some Aspects of
Astrology in the Renaissance”
This paper
intends to show how the field of astrological studies participated in the
broader Renaissance movement of the recovery of the classical culture in all
disciplines of knowledge. The major problem was to secure the faithful reading
of classical astrologers, especially Ptolemy, from bad translations,
misunderstandings and manipulations proper to the medieval astrology. Pontano, Cardano, Melanchthon and
the astrologers of
2: 「末期ルネサンスの占星術医学における分利日の理論」 Giuseppe Bezza
(University of Bologna) “The Theory of the Critical Days in the Astrological
Medicine of Late Renaissance”
most fundamental aspect of astrological medicine is the attribution of diverse
planets or zodiac signs in relation with houses to different parts of the human
body (melotesia).
Connecting the network of such combinations with the tables of correspondence
between planets and natural things, the iatro-mathematicians
of the ancient
3: 「アントワン・ミゾーのアスクレピオスとウラニアの『対話』における医学と占星術」 Hiro Hirai (Chemical Heritage
Foundation) “Medicine and Astrology in Antoine Mizauld’s
Conversation between Asclepius and Urania”
famous French physician Jean Fernel’s (1497-1558) disciple, Antoine Mizauld (ca. 1512-1578), was a figure very little exploited
by scholars. In his medico-philosophical dialogue between Asclepius and Urania, Aesculapii et Uraniae medicum et astronomicum ex colloquio conjugium harmoniam microcosmi cum macrocosmo (
2009. 5. 25 月
Ornella Pompeo Faracovi 氏と、2010年にヴェネツィアで行われるルネサンス学会で「ルネサンスにおける医学と占星術」というセッションを組むことになりました。こんなことってあって良いのでしょうか?まったく夢のようです。今日がアブストラクトの締め切りですので、何とか登録を成功させたいと思います。>昨日登場した
K 君の協力もあり、何とか間に合いました。ふう。この計画に関係して頂いた皆さまに深く感謝いたします。しかし、来年4月8-10日にイタリアにいてヴェネツィアに来ないルネサンス関係者にはバチが当たりますよ!
Session: “Medicine and
Astrology in the Renaissance”
Chair: Germana
Ernst (
1: Ornella Pompeo Faracovi (
paper intends to show how the field of astrological studies participated in the
broader Renaissance movement of the recovery of the classical culture in all
disciplines of knowledge. The major problem was to secure the faithful reading
of classical astrologers, especially Ptolemy, from bad translations,
misunderstandings and manipulations proper to the medieval astrology. Pontano, Cardano, Melanchthon and
the astrologers of
Giuseppe Bezza (
most fundamental aspect of astrological medicine is the attribution of diverse planets
or zodiac signs in relation with houses to different parts of the human body (melotesia).
Connecting the network of such combinations with the tables of correspondence
between planets and natural things, the iatro-mathematicians
of the ancient
3: Hiro Hirai (Chemical Heritage
Foundation) “Medicine and Astrology in Antoine Mizauld’s
Conversation between Asclepius and Urania”
famous French physician Jean Fernel’s (1497-1558) disciple, Antoine Mizauld (ca. 1512-1578), was a figure very little exploited
by scholars. In his medico-philosophical dialogue between Asclepius and Urania, Aesculapii et Uraniae medicum et astronomicum ex colloquio conjugium harmoniam microcosmi cum macrocosmo (
2009. 5. 22 金
2009. 5. 18 月